Chapter 9: Working with Files and Directories In Python

Working with Files and Directories In Python
Working with Files and Directories In Python

Working with files and directories is a fundamental part of many Python programs. Python has several built-in libraries that make it easy to perform file and directory operations. Let’s discuss some common operations:

File and directory operations

Reading and Writing Files

The built-in open function can be used to read or write files. The open function returns a file object, which has methods for various operations such as reading, writing, and closing the file.

# Write to a file
with open('test.txt', 'w') as f:
    f.write('Hello, world!')

# Read from a file
with open('test.txt', 'r') as f:
    print(  # Outputs: Hello, world!

In the above example, ‘w’ stands for write mode and ‘r’ stands for read mode. The with statement is used with open to automatically close the file when we’re done with it.

Creating, Renaming, and Deleting Files

The os module provides functions for performing operations on files and directories.

import os

# Rename a file
os.rename('test.txt', 'new_test.txt')

# Delete a file

Working with Directories

The os module also provides functions for creating, changing, and deleting directories.

# Create a directory

# Change the current working directory

# Get the current working directory
print(os.getcwd())  # Outputs: /path/to/test_dir

# Delete a directory

Listing Directory Contents

The os module can also be used to list the contents of a directory.

# List the contents of the current directory
print(os.listdir('.'))  # Outputs: ['test_dir', 'test.txt']

Path Manipulation

The os.path module provides functions for manipulating file paths.

# Get the absolute path of a file or directory
print(os.path.abspath('test.txt'))  # Outputs: /path/to/test.txt

# Check if a file or directory exists
print(os.path.exists('test.txt'))  # Outputs: True

# Get the extension of a file
print(os.path.splitext('test.txt'))  # Outputs: ('test', '.txt')

These are just some of the ways you can work with files and directories in Python. The os and os.path modules contain many more functions for more complex operations.

Navigating file system

Python has built-in libraries that allow you to navigate and manipulate the file system, mainly the os and os.path libraries.

Here are some common operations to navigate the file system:

Getting the Current Directory

You can get the current working directory using os.getcwd().

import os


This will print the path of the current working directory.

Changing the Current Directory

You can change the current directory using os.chdir(path).

import os

print(os.getcwd())  # Outputs: /path/to/directory

Listing Contents of a Directory

You can list the contents of a directory using os.listdir(path).

import os


This will print a list of the names of the files and subdirectories in the given directory.

Walking Through a Directory Tree

The os.walk(path) function generates the file names in a directory tree by walking the tree either top-down or bottom-up. For each directory in the tree rooted at directory top (including top itself), it yields a 3-tuple (dirpath, dirnames, filenames).

import os

for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('/path/to/directory'):
    print(f'Found directory: {dirpath}')
    for file_name in filenames:

Checking if a Path is a File or Directory

You can check if a path is a file or a directory using os.path.isfile(path) and os.path.isdir(path), respectively.

import os

print(os.path.isfile('/path/to/file'))  # True if path is a file, False otherwise
print(os.path.isdir('/path/to/directory'))  # True if path is a directory, False otherwise

These are just a few examples of how you can navigate the file system using Python. The os and os.path libraries offer many more functions to handle files and directories.

Handling file permissions and attributes

The Python os module has functions for getting and changing file permissions and other attributes. Let’s go over some of them:

Checking if a File Exists

You can use os.path.exists(path) to check if a file or directory exists.

import os

print(os.path.exists('/path/to/file'))  # Outputs: True if file exists, False otherwise

Checking File Permissions

You can use os.access(path, mode) to check the permissions of a file.

import os

print(os.access('/path/to/file', os.R_OK))  # Outputs: True if file is readable, False otherwise
print(os.access('/path/to/file', os.W_OK))  # Outputs: True if file is writable, False otherwise
print(os.access('/path/to/file', os.X_OK))  # Outputs: True if file is executable, False otherwise

Changing File Permissions

You can use os.chmod(path, mode) to change the permissions of a file.

import os

# Make a file readable, writable, and executable by the owner
os.chmod('/path/to/file', 0o700)

In the above example, 0o700 is an octal number representing the file permissions. The first digit is the owner’s permissions, the second digit is the group’s permissions, and the third digit is everyone else’s permissions. A value of 7 means full permissions (read, write, and execute), a value of 6 means read and write permissions, and so on.

Getting the Size of a File

You can use os.path.getsize(path) to get the size of a file.

import os

print(os.path.getsize('/path/to/file'))  # Outputs: size of the file in bytes

Getting the Modification Time of a File

You can use os.path.getmtime(path) to get the time that a file was last modified.

import os

print(os.path.getmtime('/path/to/file'))  # Outputs: the time of last modification of path, expressed in seconds since the epoch

You can convert this to a more human-readable format using the datetime module:

import os
import datetime

mod_time = os.path.getmtime('/path/to/file')
print(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mod_time))  # Outputs: the time of last modification as a datetime object

Please note that the use of these functions can be subject to different permissions and security settings, especially on Unix systems.

Working with paths and directories

Working with paths and directories is a common requirement in Python programming. Python provides several built-in modules for this purpose, including os and os.path. Here are some examples of how you can use these modules to manipulate paths and directories:

Creating Directories

The os.mkdir(path) function can be used to create a new directory. If the parent directories don’t exist, you’ll get a FileNotFoundError.

import os


If you want to create all the parent directories as needed, you can use os.makedirs(path).


Changing Directories

You can change the current working directory using os.chdir(path).


Listing Directories

You can get a list of files and directories in a directory using os.listdir(path).

print(os.listdir(‘/path/to/directory’))  # Outputs: list of files and directories in the given directory

Deleting Directories

You can remove a directory using os.rmdir(path). This only works if the directory is empty.


If you want to remove a directory and all its contents, you can use shutil.rmtree(path).

import shutil


Working with Paths

You can join parts of a path using os.path.join(part1, part2, …). This is better than concatenating strings because it takes into account the operating system’s path separator (\ on Windows, / on Unix).

print(os.path.join(‘directory’, ‘subdirectory’, ‘file.txt’))  # Outputs: directory/subdirectory/file.txt

You can get the absolute path of a file or directory using os.path.abspath(path).

print(os.path.abspath(‘file.txt’))  # Outputs: /absolute/path/to/file.txt

You can get the base name (the part after the last slash) or the directory name (the part before the last slash) of a path using os.path.basename(path) and os.path.dirname(path) respectively.

print(os.path.basename('/path/to/file.txt'))  # Outputs: file.txt
print(os.path.dirname('/path/to/file.txt'))  # Outputs: /path/to

You can check if a path is a file or a directory using os.path.isfile(path) and os.path.isdir(path) respectively.

print(os.path.isfile('/path/to/file.txt'))  # Outputs: True
print(os.path.isdir('/path/to/file.txt'))  # Outputs: False

These are just a few examples of how you can work with paths and directories in Python. The os and os.path modules offer many more functions for this purpose.


In conclusion, mastering how to work with Files and Directories in Python is a fundamental skill that plays a pivotal role in many programming tasks. Similarly, the capacity to interact with directories enables Python applications to navigate the broader filesystem, locating the resources they need or organizing their output in a structured, meaningful manner.

They encompass a range of capabilities from basic file reading and writing, to more complex tasks like renaming or moving files, creating or removing directories, and even traversing directory trees. This impressive suite of tools makes Python an effective language for tasks such as data processing, system scripting, and automated file management.

Additionally, Python’s context management protocol, represented by the ‘with’ statement, offers a safe and convenient way to handle file operations, ensuring that resources are properly managed and potential errors are effectively dealt with. This contributes to Python’s reputation for promoting clean, reliable code.

However, as with all programming skills, the most effective use of file and directory operations in Python requires both understanding and discretion.

In summary, the ability to work with Files and Directories in Python is not merely a technical skill, but a key element of the broader programming mindset. By mastering this aspect of Python, developers can broaden their horizons, tackling a wider array of challenges with confidence and proficiency.

Chapter 9: Working with Files and Directories In Python
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